Bowling Tapes Types

Bowling tapes play an important role in the game of bowling. They help bowlers achieve a comfortable and secure grip on the ball, which is essential for accurate and consistent shots. A good grip allows the bowler to apply the right amount of force and spin to the ball, which can lead to higher scores and better overall performance.

The market is filled with many types of bowling tapes, such as cloth, felt, leather, and silicone. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important for a bowler to choose the one that best suits their needs. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of bowling tapes and their advantages and disadvantages.

Introduction to Bowling Tapes

Bowling tapes are small pieces of tape that bowlers use to adjust the fit of their bowling balls. They are usually made of thin, flexible material like cloth or vinyl. The main purpose of bowling tapes is to help bowlers get a better grip on the ball, which can improve their performance in the game.

Bowlers can place the tapes inside the finger holes of the bowling ball to make them fit more snugly. It can help prevent the fingers from slipping out of the holes during the swing and release.

Bowling tapes can also be used to adjust the size of the thumb hole, making it easier for the bowler to hold onto the ball and control its movement. Overall, bowling tapes are a useful tool for bowlers of all skill levels to customize the fit of their bowling balls and enhance their game.

Bowling Tapes Importance

Bowling tapes play an important role in the game of bowling. They help bowlers achieve a comfortable and secure grip on the ball, which is essential for accurate and consistent shots. A good grip allows the bowler to apply the right amount of force and spin to the ball, which can lead to higher scores and better overall performance.

Using bowling tapes can also help prevent injuries. When a bowler’s fingers fit snugly in the ball’s holes, there is less strain on the hand and wrist during the swing and release. It can reduce the risk of sprains, strains, and other injuries that can occur from gripping the ball too tightly or having an improper fit.

In addition, bowling tapes can help bowlers adapt to changing lane conditions. The ball’s reaction can change as the oil on the lanes breaks down during a game. By adjusting the fit of the ball with bowling tapes, bowlers can maintain a consistent grip and continue to perform well even as the lanes change.

Types of Bowling Tapes

The market is filled with many types of bowling tapes, and each type has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important for a bowler to choose the one that best suits their needs. Below, we’ll discuss the most popular types of bowling tapes and their uses:

Smooth Bowling Tape

Smooth bowling tape has a slick surface, often vinyl or polyester. Bowlers use it to adjust the fit of their finger holes and thumb hole in the bowling ball. To use smooth bowling tape, cut a piece to the desired size and place it inside the hole, adjusting the position until the fit feels comfortable.

The main benefit of smooth bowling tape is that it provides a consistent and comfortable grip on the ball. It can help reduce friction between the fingers and the ball, allowing for a smoother release. However, the slick surface may provide less grip than textured bowling tape, which could be a drawback for some bowlers.

Textured Bowling Tape

Textured bowling tape has a rough surface, usually made of cloth or a similar material. It is used to adjust the fit of the finger and thumb holes in the bowling ball, providing extra grip. To use textured bowling tape, cut a piece to the desired size and place it inside the hole, adjusting the position until the fit feels comfortable and secure.

The main benefit of textured bowling tape is its increased grip, helping bowlers maintain better control over the ball. It can lead to improved accuracy and consistency in shots. However, the rough surface may cause more friction between the fingers and the ball, leading to discomfort or slower releases for some bowlers.

Protective Bowling Tape

Protective bowling tape is designed to be worn on the bowler’s fingers or thumb rather than being placed inside the ball. It is usually made of a flexible, stretchy material that provides a barrier between the skin and the ball. Wrap protective bowling tape around the desired finger or thumb before inserting it into the ball.

The main benefit of protective bowling tape is that it helps prevent blisters, calluses, and other skin irritations caused by friction between the fingers and the ball. It can also provide additional grip and support. However, some bowlers may find that wearing protective tape affects their feel for the ball, which could impact their performance.

Thumb Hole Tapes

Thumb hole tapes are specifically designed to adjust the fit of the thumb hole in a bowling ball. They come in various thicknesses and materials, allowing bowlers to customize the fit and feel of their thumb holes. To use thumb hole tape, cut a piece to the desired size and place it inside the thumb hole, adjusting the position until the fit feels comfortable.

The main benefit of thumb hole tapes is that they provide a customized fit for the thumb hole, helping bowlers maintain a secure grip on the ball. It can lead to improved accuracy and consistency in shots. However, some bowlers may need help finding the perfect thickness and material for their preferences, which could require experimentation.

Fitting Tape

Fitting tape is a type of bowling tape designed to help bowlers find the perfect fit for their finger holes and thumb hole. It comes in various thicknesses and materials, allowing for precise adjustments to the fit of the ball. To use fitting tape, cut a piece to the desired size and place it inside the hole, adjusting the position until the fit feels comfortable and secure.

The main benefit of fitting tape is that it allows bowlers to fine-tune the fit of their bowling balls, leading to improved comfort and performance. It can also help prevent injuries caused by improper fit, such as strains and sprains. However, finding the perfect combination of thickness and material may require trial and error, which could be time-consuming for some bowlers.

How to Use Bowling Tapes?

Bowling tape can be used by anyone who plays bowling, whether they’re a beginner or a professional. It’s especially useful for those who bowl frequently and want to avoid discomfort or injury. Below are the main steps for using bowling tapes:

Selecting the Right Type of Tape

Consider whether you need extra grip, a smoother release, or protection for your fingers. It will help you decide between smooth, textured, protective, thumb hole, or fitting tapes.

Beginners bowlers may benefit from textured tapes for better grip, while more advanced bowlers prefer smooth tapes for a cleaner release. Try different types and thicknesses of tape to find the best one. It may take some trial and error to find the perfect fit.

Preparing the Bowling Ball

Before applying the tape, make sure the finger and thumb holes are clean and debris-free. Use a towel or brush to remove any dirt or oil.

Ensure the holes are completely dry before applying the tape. Moisture can cause the tape to lose its adhesive properties.

Applying the Tape

Measure the length of the tape needed to cover the inside of the hole, and cut it accordingly. Place the tape inside the hole, making sure it adheres smoothly to the surface without any wrinkles or bubbles. Press the tape firmly against the inside of the hole to ensure it sticks properly.

Adjusting the Tape for Comfort

Insert your fingers or thumb into the holes to check the fit. The tape should make the holes feel snug but not too tight. If the fit is uncomfortable or does not provide the desired grip, reposition the tape or try a different type or thickness until you achieve the desired fit and performance.

Removing and Replacing the Tape

When it’s time to replace the tape, carefully peel it off from the inside of the hole. Clean the hole again before applying the new tape to remove any residue from the old tape.

Follow the steps above to apply the new tape, ensuring a proper fit and optimal performance.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, bowling tapes are valuable for bowlers of all ages and skill levels. They help improve grip, prevent injuries, and adapt to changing lane conditions, making them an essential part of the game.

Using bowling tapes can also help prevent injuries. When a bowler’s fingers fit snugly in the ball’s holes, there is less strain on the hand and wrist during the swing and release. It can reduce the risk of sprains, strains, and other injuries from gripping the ball too tightly or having an improper fit.

Brad Finnearty
Brad Finnearty is a passionate bowler and a retired senior who has devoted his life to the sport he loves. With decades of experience, Brad is a well-respected authority within the bowling community. He is a member of several bowling leagues, has competed in numerous tournaments, and has even won a few championships along the way.