How to Aim in Bowling

Are you an avid bowler who loves spending hours at the bowling alley, but you just can’t seem to knock down all the pins? Do you want to improve your game and become a better bowler? Aiming in bowling is  key to success as it allows you to control the direction of your ball and get more strikes.

Right aiming refers to the technique of aiming your ball towards a specific target on the lane. In bowling, aiming is achieved by using aiming arrows, which are markers located about 15 feet from the foul line. These arrows are designed to help bowlers align their body, arm, and ball to the target. Here in this article, we’ll explain how perfectly aim in bowling so you  can start knocking down more pins with each throw.

Importance of Right Aiming in Bowling

Right aiming is crucial in bowling because it determines the direction and speed of your ball. If you aim too far to the left or right, your ball will go off-target, resulting in missed pins. Similarly, if you aim too fast or slow, your ball may not have enough momentum to reach your target pins. Aiming correctly ensures that your ball travels in a straight line towards your target, increasing your chances of hitting the pins.

Another reason why right aiming is essential is that it helps you adjust to different lane conditions. Depending on the oil pattern and the slope of the lane, the ball can hook or curve differently. By using the aiming arrows, you can adjust your approach and angle to compensate for these variations, making your shots more consistent and accurate.

What are Aiming Arrows in Bowling?

Before we delve deeper into the significance of aiming arrows in bowling, let’s first define what they are. Aiming arrows are markers on the bowling lane that help you aim your ball towards the pins. They are located about 15 feet from the foul line and are typically made of metal or plastic.

There are seven aiming arrows on the bowling lane, and they are arranged in a triangular formation. The middle arrow points directly at the center pin, while the left and right arrows point towards the 2,3,4, and 6 pins respectively. The other arrows are strategically placed to help you aim your ball towards the corner pins.

4 Bowling Aiming Methods

1. Stance Aiming

Stance aiming is a method where you align your body and feet with the target pins before starting your approach. This technique involves using your body as a guide to aim your ball towards your target. To use stance aiming, start by identifying your target pins and selecting the aiming arrow that corresponds to them. Then, stand with your feet parallel to the foul line, and position your body so that your dominant foot is pointing towards your target. Finally, adjust your arm and ball to align with the aiming arrow and release your ball towards your target.

2. Targeting

Targeting is another popular method of aiming in bowling. This technique involves identifying a specific spot on the lane where you want your ball to hit before releasing it. To use targeting, first, identify your target pins and the aiming arrow that corresponds to them. Then, look for a specific spot on the lane, such as a mark or a board, and visualize a straight line connecting that spot to your target pins. Finally, adjust your position, angle, and speed to align with the visualized line and release your ball towards your target.

3. Arrows Aiming

Arrows aiming is a method that involves using the aiming arrows on the lane to guide your shot towards your target pins. To use arrows aiming, start by identifying your target pins and the aiming arrow that corresponds to them. Then, use the arrow as a reference point to adjust your position, angle, and speed to align with the arrow. Finally, release your ball towards your target, aiming to hit the pins.

4. Visual Alignment

Visual alignment is a method where you use your peripheral vision to aim your shot towards your target. This technique involves focusing on a specific spot on the lane while using your peripheral vision to align your body, arm, and ball towards the target. To use visual alignment, identify your target pins and the aiming arrow that corresponds to them. Then, focus on a spot on the lane while using your peripheral vision to align with the aiming arrow. Finally, release your ball towards your target while maintaining your visual alignment.


In conclusion, aiming is a crucial aspect of bowling that can significantly impact your performance. By using different aiming methods such as stance aiming, targeting, arrows aiming, and visual alignment, you can improve your accuracy and consistency on the lane. Experiment with these techniques to find the one that works best for you, and remember to practice regularly to master your aiming skills. With dedication and perseverance, you can become a pro bowler in no time!

Brad Finnearty
Brad Finnearty is a passionate bowler and a retired senior who has devoted his life to the sport he loves. With decades of experience, Brad is a well-respected authority within the bowling community. He is a member of several bowling leagues, has competed in numerous tournaments, and has even won a few championships along the way.